Mid-roll Ads

What are Mid-roll Ads? Definition Mid-roll ads are a form of a video ads that plays in the middle of a video stream. Meaning explained A mid-roll ad is a form of a video ad that plays in the middle of a video stream. With an increasing popularity of this format among advertisers, mid-rolls are Mid-roll Ads


What is Malware? Definition Malware is a program or software that is harmful to a user’s computer. Meaning explained Malware is harmful software, usually a virus, Trojan horse or spyware, that may secretly gather data about a user and can perfom harmful actions, such as data deleting and account details thefts. Many adblocks aim at Malware


What is Messaging? Definition Messaging is a request to turn off adblock. Meaning explained Messaging is one of the possible adblock countermeasure strategies. Messaing is a request to turn off adblock that appears when an adblock user visits a webpage. Messaging can be in the form of a message asking directly to turn off adblock software, Messaging