Adblock revenue loss

What is Adblock revenue loss?


Adblock revenue loss is the amount of money from advertisement lost due to adblock users.

Meaning explained

Adblock revenue loss, which can be calculated for example from monthly pageview, average ad density, CPM, and ad block rate, is the amount of money from advertisement lost due to adblock users. Adblock revenue loss is directly dependent on website traffic. The reason is that not all ads are based on CPC (cost per click), but on CPM (cost per thousand / mille) which means that the source of revenue is the amount of ad views.

Additionally, adblockers might even change page’s code which may cause other problems. Firstly, by changing the code it is possible that analytics code gets disrupted as well and doesn’t measure website traffic and ad views correctly. Secondly, the changed code can cause page rendering interference and disable other non-advertisement related functions (typically buttons for download, upload, submit, log in form buttons, and other similar interactive features). Especially the page rendering problems may therefore increase visitor’s webpage abandonment.

In general, once adblock revenue loss estimated, adblock countermeasures can be implemented.