What are Large Sticky Ads?

Large sticky ads permanently block the bottom of a page.
Meaning explained
Large sticky ads are a type of an ad format that puts a permanent ad to the bottom a page. This static ad can’t be dismissed nor moved away by scrolling and covers more than 30% of a screen. For that reason, such an ad permanently blocks a relatively huge portion of page’s content and disrupts user’s browser experience. Because of users’ frustration, sticky ads were included in Better Ads Standards.
Sticky ads can be both vertical and horizontal. Not only that the amount of ads can’t exceed 30% of viewport, but in case of horizontal implementation, according to Google guidelines, there must be a clear differentiation between ad and content. Additionally, sticky ads should never interfere with page’s content and navigational site functions, which includes pages with responsive design and any resized windows issues.
Other ad formats that are deemed by Better Ads Standards are listed in Ad experiences list. The purpose of the compiled list and its information is to reduce user’s need to use adblock software.
For more information on Coalition for Better Ads, visit CBA official webpage.
For more information on Better Ads Standards, visit CBA Better Ads webpage.
For more information on Large Sticky Ads on desktop under Better Ads Standards, visit Large Sticky Ads page.
For more information on Large Sticky Ads on mobile devices under Better Ads Standards, visit Mobile Large Sticky Ads page.