Prestitial Ads

What are Prestitial Ads?

Coalition for Better Ads (CBA) official logo
Coalition for Better Ads (CBA) official logo


Prestitial ads appear before the content of a page is loaded and obstruct the view.

Meaning explained

Prestitial ads on mobile devices appear before a page is loaded and keep a user from reaching the content of a page. In general, it is a kind of a pop-up ad format that may vary in what portion of screen gets blocked. It may cover only a part of a screen in various sizes or it may get loaded as a standalone page with “continue to site” type of a text.

Many visitors, especially the new ones, find this ad format disruptive and are not willing to look for close button. As a result, these ads may increase page abandonment. Sometimes prestitial ads are accompanied by a counter, which even intensifies users’ negative browser experience.

Other ad formats that are deemed by Better Ads Standards are listed in Ad experiences list. The purpose of the compiled list and its information is to reduce user’s need to use adblock software.


For more information on Coalition for Better Ads, visit CBA official webpage.

For more information on Better Ads Standards, visit CBA Better Ads webpage.

For more information on Prestitial Ads under Better Ads Standards, visit Prestitial Ads page.