What is Ad experiences (Least favoured ad experiences)?

Ad experiences is a list of ad formats and its impact on users.
Meaning explained
The list “Least favoured ad experiences”, published by Coalition of Better Ads (CBA), is a compilation of ad formats and its possible negative and intrusive impact on users’ browser experience.
The list of ad experiences for desktop includes:
For mobile devices the list includes:
- Pop-up Ads
- Prestitial Ads
- Ad Density Higher Than 30%
- Flashing Animated Ads
- Auto-playing Video Ads with Sound
- Postitial Ads with Countdown
- Full-screen Scrollover Ad
- Large Sticky Ads
The complemenary list of Short-Form Video Experiences contains:
For more information on Coalition for Better Ads, visit CBA official webpage.
For more information on Better Ads Standards, visit CBA Better Ads webpage.