What are Pop-up Ads?

Pop-ups are a type of ads that literally pop up and cover up the content of a page.
Meaning explained
Pop-ups are a type of ads that is considered to be very intrusive. In general, when a page is loaded, the ad pops up and blocks the content of a page from view. Pop-ups may cover only a part of a page, or the entire screen. Additionally, sometimes it might be difficult to quickly and easily dismiss pop-up ads due to a disruptive visual or too small close button.
Many publishers consider pop-ups effective. According to them, banner ads can be simply ingnored by, so called, banner blindness, but pop-ups will always get user engagement. Simply, in order to close pop-up, user has to see it. For that reason, these ads have 100% view rate and advertiser can be sure that the intended message was always delivered.
Still, pop-ups are reported by webpage visitors as annoying and disruptive. Many pop-ups may contain fake close buttons, security holes allowing malware attacks, or users can be redirected away from the desired page upon accidental click on pop-up. Better Ads Standards therefore list pop-ups among unwanted and resctricted ad formats.
Other ad formats that are deemed by Better Ads Standards are listed in Ad experiences list. The purpose of the compiled list and its information is to reduce user’s need to use adblock software.
For more information on Coalition for Better Ads, visit CBA official webpage.
For more information on Better Ads Standards, visit CBA Better Ads webpage.
For more information on Pop-ups on desktop under Better Ads Standards, visit Beter Ads Pop-ups page.
For more information on Pop-ups on mobile devices under Better Ads Standards, visit Better Ads Mobile Pop-ups page.