What are Large display ads?

Large display ads are a form of an ad format that appears during a video and covers its content.
Meaning explained
Large display ads are a form of a banner and pop-up ad format that appears during a video stream. Display ads cover the video’s content by large and static messages, sometimes even animated. Users are therefore unable to consume the content and their experience is affected. Generally, large display ads cover more than 20% of video stream’s viewscreen, or appear in the middle or third of the video.
Due to visitor’s negative feedback, large display ads are deemed by Better Ads Standards as intrusive.
Other ad formats that are deemed by Better Ads Standards are listed in Ad experiences list. The purpose of the compiled list and its information is to reduce user’s need to use adblock software.
For more information on Coalition for Better Ads, visit CBA official webpage.
For more information on Better Ads Standards, visit CBA Better Ads webpage.
For more information on Large display ads under Better Ads Standards, visit Large display ads page.