What is Antiadblock?
Antiadblock is a technology delivering and displaying ads to adblock users.
Meaning explained
Antiadblock is a company focusing on the development of technology that, as name suggests, would deliver ads even to adblock users. It is platform and CMS independent solution that supports all common ad formats, including video ads and all modifications for both desktop and mobile devices. The service is managed by a team of engineers that modify and tailor the resulting product according to the needs of a publisher.
Therefore, Antiadblock is considered to be one of the adblock countermeasure strategies. Just like the rest of the strategies, Antiadblock aims at mitigating adblock revenue loss and accomplishing revenue recovery to the maximum degree.
When implemented, the service launches a set of tools and methods for adblock detection on webpage visitor’s side. The aim is to not interfere with page rendering, so the design keeps unchanged, and to display otherwise blocked ad.
Antiadbock simply defines itself in following words:
ANTIADBLOCK detects, unlocks and recovers ad inventory previously inaccessible to publishers and advertisers.
- Those who wish to monetize their webpage and increase adblock revenue recovery may find useful the services of antiadblock.com